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Louise Wisechild

Creatividad ~ Empoderamiento ~ Aventura 

Welcome to my cyber home !

*Canciones originales de espíritu, coraje y justicia social
*Entrenamiento Creativo
 * Libros de empoderamiento sobre la curación del abuso infantil
* Tarot
*Visitas Culturales Guatemala

soy un parrafo  LL

          November 29

  Trickle Up (Remix)


Black Yellow Modern AI Technology Ebook Cover (Album Cover)-2.png
Cover The Obsidian Mirror: An Adult Healing from Incest

The Spanish translation of The Obsidian Mirror is in it's final phase and will be submitted to Spanish language publishers in 2024.  Watch for the fifth edition in English, with a new cover and an updated preface . 

What are your dreams, goals and questions for the New Year?🐝
I am pleased to provide an empowering perspective on your strengths, possibilities & challenges with a Professional Tarot Consultation.
Interested in focusing on your creative development and looking for support? 
I offer one-on-one sessions and group work on line
Coaching for Creatives


Consultations with Louise

 Perhaps 2024 will be the year you experience the wonders of Guatemala!


Giant Kite festival, Sumpango, Guatemala
Louise Wisechild with Giant Kite
¡Regístrese en mi lista de correo electrónico y obtenga una canción prelanzada gratis!

Thanks for stopping by.

 Feel free to come back often.

Louise Wisechild stands for humans

Your support towards my writing and music allows me to produce and promote my work.

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